Monday, 11 December 2017

Cloud Services and Electronic Signature

Now more than ever, it is becoming an increasing requirement to have access to robust API for all companies that offer their services online. But, what is API and what makes it useful?
Application programming interface or API refers to a set of instructions to access a web-based software application. These APIs are made to provide developers access to the instructions to use that particular application. From there, developers can design products around the application with no need to rewrite existing functionality and code. It is essential as it gets rid of redundant work and offers framework for the developers to harness their creativity in building other products powered by the application.

The API can be categorized into two. This can either be an API that is language independent or one that is language dependent. When you speak of a language dependent API, it means that it can be called with the use of just one specific programming language type. But, if an API is language independent, this means that the API will not be limited to the capacities of a certain language or system. APIs that are language independent help in interacting and communicating with other applications with better functionality since these can be called from several various programming languages.

But, how will you know if a developer uses an API? For users, the answer is that you would not really know. The API just lets application work together. This is not something that a user can see as it works. The truth is that the purpose of the API is to just run in the background for the user to have the functionality of an app with no need to see changes in how things are being displayed.
Use of API is invaluable to most cloud services as well as the customers they serve. Many services that cloud companies offer depend on the API as a way to integrate different programs in their systems. It allows their own customers to gain access to more functionally which provides the capacity to handle different tasks directly and electronically in the cloud. Cloud services primarily use three kinds of APIs, namely control APIs, application functionality APIs, and data APIs.

For instance, there is a cloud services company which helps customers with their billing. The cloud services billing company’s developers want to let their clients to get the contracts for the billing signed online. An initial option is to create an e-signature tool themselves, which can be costly and time consuming at the same time. Instead of developing the application on their own, they can just integrate with the API of the existing e-signature vendor to contract out the work. It can save money, time, and will also likely ensure quality through recruiting a vendor specializing in this functionality.

The truth is that electronic signature vendors are some of the most outstanding third party apps that can be used in cloud services. With businesses continuously migrating their daily workflows and records online, e-signatures are becoming more of a necessity to streamline the move for going paperless.

For more information please redirect here Cloud Services Indonesia 

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